December 21, 2011

Today's bakes & cakes..

All four cakes were all baked last nite, lucky one had forwarded the date or it'll be 5 items to bake all together. I purposely accumulate the orders and did it in a shot. The reason being was i try not to get too busy nightly. The kids were complaining of the smell lingering when they sleeps (though ventilation fan as well hob was on) and they also complained why am i baking all these when i should be watching tv with them. So i try to pool in orders but in case there are orders for specific date/day, then it could be done with no hesitation.

Red velvet cake. TQVVM Kak Nor & really hope you and family likes it.

Blueberry cheese cake. TQVVM Azira & hope tastes good!

The followings were ordered by Nik. Mini red velvet cake as well as congo bars. TQVVVM and hope you likes it!

Till then peeps. It's school holiday, time aren't my best friend though.