March 20, 2012

Batik Cake with Chocolate topping

Well, you could never estimate the appetite of growing day, they ate almost everything, the next day they became so picky and got mummy all worried.

And lately my boys are asking for cakes, and more cakes and more sweet things. Though this definitely will boost up their energy level but, i bakes are way much better than those junkies and processed food..hikss..

On the way back from school yesterday evening, my eldest asked whether last night's muffin was still available..and of course, the adik-adik already munched them all. Frustrated and he quickly requested.."kita buat kek batik la malam ni ma.."

I know they'll eat and really enjoy my bakes..i instantly diverted our direction to Speedmart and bought what's needed for the Batik cake..

Just after dinner, Aizam took my recipe book and found the batik's recipe and took out all the ingredients. Huh, he knows the routine..ingredients, basins, my scale..

By 10pm, below was set and gone into those little tummies.. Sometimes i got so confused, even after full plate of rice, they are asking for munchies..

1 packet of Marie biscuit - I use Tiger brand of 320 g, broken to halves
125g butter and cut to cubes
100g beryls dark chocolate
1/2 cup of Milo
1/3 cup of hot water
3/4 cup of condensed milk (a bit more pun boleh)
1 tsp of vanilla essence

For chocolate topping
100gm milk chocolate
1 tbsp butter

Place all ingredient except the biscuits into a pot. With medium heat, stir until boiling and the mixture is slightly thickens. Turn off the heat and pour in the biscuit and mix well.

Lined with baking sheet an 8 inch square pan. Pour in the mixture and press real hard using a large spoon. (Note: You could arrange the biscuits nicely, but i sure have no time for that with 3 kids waiting impatiently..)

For topping, melt the chocolate and butter and pour on top of the cake before chilling.

Cut with knife dipped in hot water.

Both kids brought these to school this morning..
Go on try on this super easy batik'll be surprised on how delicious they are esp with those chocolate topping on top..!!

1 comment:

  1. Ever since the medieval time, waffles have been made and prepared in tables as part of the way of life of certain people. Originally, this very delectable food began in the Middle Ages having the appearance of ultra thin, light, crisp cakes which were carefully baked in between wafer irons on top of a fire.

    Chocolate waffle topping
