October 25, 2011

a RED week again..

Alhamdulillah..last weekend was another 2 RV cake..here is the pic of one, where the other i missed to capture..phewww.. my hands are all tide.. Last week was a glad and happy week..

Glad as I am looking forward for another bzzz weekend (this week) and happy because ALL BLACKS won the Rugby World Cup last Sunday!!! Hahaha, there are soft part of me and shhhhh..and there are rough part of me (influence from my hubby!).. woot..woot..it was a close game, I cant even sit still for the last 15 minutes..

Here..RV request by Wirda..TQVM dear, hope you had a good 'lepak' with your friend with this RV cake :)

Another was from Kak Aida, again TQVM..it was a 'kelam-kabut'..i forget to snap the pic..

I had plans to share more recipe and to even try new 'product'..but forgive me, time are just not on my side..

Have a good and safe week peeps :)


  1. Wahhh dah ada blog buss sendiri...bgsnya..nanti leh order kek...

  2. Alida TQVM..awk org pertama mengomen..nanti saya bg spesel discount ;) hope awk dah sihat!
